If you are not showing enough income with tax returns or other sources, we can use average deposits into bank statements to qualify.
Qualifying Income with Bank Statements
Income can be verified with Personal Bank Statements, Business Bank Statements, or a combination of the two
Several bank statement accounts can be used to reach a qualifying income level
Bank statement income can be mixed with regular income sources such as tax returns or pay stubs to reach qualifying income level
When using Business Bank Statements, either a Profit & Loss statement or a Comfort Letter is to be provided
Profit & Loss statement prepared by a CPA when using business bank statements prepared or
Comfort Letter can be provided by the borrower as long as proof of ownership can be competed via a third party
Partial business ownership results in partial calculation of business deposits
Bank Statement Income can be calculated with either a 12 month or 24 month deposit average
No minimum expense ratio
U.S. Citizens and Foreign nationals